It is the responsibility of each Angler Armory Member to understand and abide by the rules listed below:

These rules will remain in effect during the 2024 Fish What You Wish Contest time period. Interpretation of these rules will be left exclusively to the Contest Committee. In the event of a rule violation the Contest Committee may impose such sanctions as they deem appropriate, including, without limitation, disqualifications, forfeiture of prizes and prohibition from participation in subsequent contests. By competing in the Fish What You Wish Contest, all competitors agree that decisions of the Contest Committee are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal, and are not reviewable by any court of law. I understand that the Angler Armory Fishing Club is a private club that can deny an application without cause. In the event that your application is denied, a full refund of any membership paid in 2024 will occur.  The Contest Committee can make changes to the stated rules at any time. By participating in the Fish What You Wish Contest you agree to the previous statements, to sign a written release form and to obey the rules stated below, or face expulsion without refund or compensation of any kind.


This is a free contest open to Angler Armory Members only. To become a member CLICK HERE to sign up


  1. Only one registration form per team needs to be filled out for 2024.

  2. Every member of the team that angles, gaffs or participates catching the fish in any way must be an Angler Armory Member in order to participate in Fish What You Wish

  3. Angler Armory Members can register at any time throughout the season up until the final tournament in the zone/s they are registering for.

  4. Teams may add or remove a team member and/or change boats at any time throughout the 2024 season. It is the Captain’s responsibility to make sure new team members are current on their Angler Armory membership

  5. The Captain listed on the Fish What You Wish Registration Form has the ultimate rights over points earned over the course of the season. Points earned stay with the Captain in the event other team members change to a different team. If the Captain leaves team and chooses to fish with a new team, the points stay with the Captain.

  6. Team members have the option to switch teams and fish under a new Fish What You Wish registration form


    Paul fishes with Team “A” in most king mackerel tournaments

    Paul wants to fish his own boat with his family for a specific tournament under the name Team “B”

    Paul can fill out a registration form for Team “B” and count his points for that specific tournament under his own team name.

  7. If the Captain listed on the Fish What You Wish Registration form is not able to fish a tournament, his/her team may fish the tournament under the registered Team Name and receive points for that tournament for the Team.

  8. Team must obey each individual tournament’s rules and adhere to their boundaries

  9. A new Fish What You Wish Registration Form must be filled out at the beginning of each calendar year.

  10. Contestants are required to fill out a Points Form no later than the Thursday following the qualifying tournament. 


  1. The Fish What You Wish Contest is a 3 fish aggregate contest

  2. Only one fish per tournament can be entered into contest

  3. If two tournaments occur on the same day and the same fish can be entered into both tournaments, your weight can only count once.

    Example: Team fishes both Tournament A and Tournament B on the same day and weighs in a 35.00lb kingfish that is allowed to count in both events, that team’s fish will only count for Tournament A.

  4. Contestants may fish as many of the eligible tournaments as they wish. The heaviest 3 fish aggregate weighed in during the contest wins

  5. The only eligible species for this contest is kingfish

  6. Contestants are required to fill out a Points Form no later than the Thursday following the qualifying tournament. 

  7. Any ties in the aggregate contest will be broken by the largest fish of the three that count towards the boat’s points. In the event of identical big fish weights, the size of the second largest fish will break the tie and if necessary, the third largest fish.


See “ELIGIBLE TOURNAMENTS” under the specific Zone/s you are fishing.
ZONE 1  | ZONE 2 | ZONE 3 | Zone 4


**PLEASE NOTE: there must be a minimum of 45 teams registered in a zone in order for the below cash prizes to be paid out

A total of $20,000 per zone will be paid out to 7 places.
1st Place – $10,000
2nd Place – $5000
3rd Place – $2500
4th Place – $1500
5th Place – $500
6th Place – $300
7th Place – $200

If less then 45 teams sign up then the payouts will be adjusted accordingly.


  1. One top lady angler will be selected from each of the 4 Zones in the Fish What You Wish Contest.

  2. The lady angler must be listed on the 2024 Fish What You Wish registration form of the team she is competing with.

  3. Lady Angler points are determined by her team’s points in the Fish What You Wish Contest – best 3 fish aggregate wins. A separate fish can not be weighed in for the Lady Angler Division.

  4. The Lady Angler must be on the boat on tournament day in order to earn points for that specific tournament. If the team fishes without the Lady Angler, no points can be earned for the Top Lady Angler Award.

  5. Only fish weighed in at the main tournament can count towards the aggregate. For example, if a tournament has a ladies tournament that is separate from the main event, the fish weighed in for the ladies tournament cannot be used for FWYW aggregate. However, if a tournament has an overall division and a ladies division that is included in the main event, a team may choose to use the ladies fish for their FWYW aggregate points if that fish is the larger of the two fished weighed at that event.

  6. The Lady Angler must participate in angling, gaffing or driving the boat.

  7. Lady Anglers must be 16 years old or older.

  8. In the event of a tie, the lady angler on the team that registered for the 2024 Fish What You Wish Contest first wins.

  9. Only one top lady angler will be selected per zone. If multiple ladies fish on one team and receive the same amount of points, one trophy will be awarded.


  1. One top youth angler will be selected from each of the 4 Zones in the Fish What You Wish Contest.

  2. To be eligible for the Youth Angler Award the angler must be 15 years old or younger. If a Youth Angler turns 16 during the middle of the season they can still finish out the year and compete in the Youth Angler category for 2024.

  3. The youth angler must be listed on the 2024 Fish What You Wish registration form of the team she is competing with.

  4. Youth Angler points are determined by her/his team’s points in the Fish What You Wish Contest – best 3 fish aggregate wins. A separate fish can not be weighed in for the Youth Angler Division.

  5. Only fish weighed in at the main tournament can count towards the aggregate. For example, if a tournament has a youth tournament that is separate from the main event, the fish weighed in for the youth tournament cannot be used for FWYW aggregate. However, if a tournament has an overall division and a youth division that is included in the main event, a team may choose to use the youth fish for their FWYW aggregate points if that fish is the larger of the two fished weighed at that event.

  6. The Youth Angler must be on the boat on tournament day in order to earn points for that specific tournament. If the team fishes without the Youth Angler, no points can be earned for the Top Youth Angler Award.

  7. The Youth Angler must participate in angling, gaffing or driving the boat.

  8. In the event of a tie, the youth angler on the team that registered for the 2024 Fish What You Wish Contest first wins


  1. One top military angler will be selected from each of the 4 Zones in the Fish What You Wish Contest.

  2. To be eligible for the Military Angler Award the angler must be currently serving in the US Military or previously served in the US Military

  3. The military angler must be listed on the 2024 Fish What You Wish registration form of the team they are competing with.

  4. Military Angler points are determined by her/his team’s points in the Fish What You Wish Contest – best 3 fish aggregate wins. A separate fish can not be weighed in for the Military Angler Division.

  5. Only fish weighed in at the main tournament can count towards the aggregate. For example, if a tournament has a military tournament that is separate from the main event, the fish weighed in for the military tournament cannot be used for FWYW aggregate. However, if a tournament has an overall division and a military division that is included in the main event, a team may choose to use the military fish for their FWYW aggregate points if that fish is the larger of the two fished weighed at that event.

  6. The Military Angler must be on the boat on tournament day in order to earn points for that specific tournament. If the team fishes without the Military Angler, no points can be earned for the Top Military Angler Award.

  7. The Military Angler must participate in angling, gaffing or driving the boat.

  8. In the event of a tie, the military angler on the team that registered for the 2024 Fish What You Wish Contest first wins.


The winner of each zone may be subjected to an extensive polygraph test at the conclusion of the contest. Failure to submit to a polygraph will result in disqualification. All decisions of the polygraph examiner are final.

If the winner is found guilty of cheating he/she will automatically be disqualified from entered any future Angler Armory Tournament and/or contest and will receive no refund of their Angler Armory Membership fees.

At the end of the Fish What You Wish season, a W9 will be emailed to the Captain of the team.
Trophies and/or banners will be mailed out to the winning teams by December 31, 2024
Checks will not be mailed out to the winning teams until a team picture with the trophy and/or banner are emailed or texted (727-286-0977) back to Angler Armory. Checks will be written to the Captain unless we are informed in writing by the Captain to issue check to another team member.

Angler Armory will post a picture of winning teams pictures on the website and on social media.
We request that teams also post their winning picture on their own team and/or personal social media sites.