Closest to 25lbs Kingfish WINS!



Captain’s Party – Thursday, April 4, 2024: 6 to 9pm
Weigh In – Saturday, April 6, 2024
Doc Ford’s
8790 Bay Pines Blvd
St. Pete, FL

Payouts based on 75 Teams

Join us for this new family style fishing tournament that gets the kids involved
& offers fun for the entire team!

25 Mile Boundary – North, South & West


Kingfish Division- Closest to 25lbs Wins
Entry Fee: $250.00

Spanish Mackerel Division (must be entered into kingfish division in order to get into Spanish Mac division)
Entry Fee: $75.00

Ladies Division (Kingfish) – Closest to 25lbs Wins
Entry Fee: Free
Kingfish must be hooked, reeled in by lady angler

Kids Division (Kingfish) – Closest to 25lbs Wins
Entry Fee: Free
Two age divisions – 10 & under and 11 to 17 years old
Kingfish must be hooked, reeled in by youth angler


Closest to 25lbs Calcutta
$100 Entry Fee
Kingfish Closest to 25lbs wins
50/30/20 split

Closest to 25lb HighRoller
$500 Entry Fee
Kingfish Closest to 25lbs wins
50/30/20 split

Big Fish Calcutta
$100 Entry Fee
Biggest Kingfish wins
50/30/20 split

Big Fish High Roller Calcutta
$500 Entry Fee
Biggest Kingfish wins
50/30/20 split

Reeling Freedom Calcutta- (Closest to 25lbs Wins)
$25 Entry Fee
Must have an active or retired military member on board during tournament
1 spot per 10 boats paid out

Family Fish Calcutta – (Closest to 25lbs Wins)
$25 Entry Fee
Must have a youth angler 17 or younger on board during tournament
1 spot per 10 boats paid out

Big Mack
$50 Entry Fee
Biggest Spanish Mackerel wins
50/30/20 split

*Payouts Based on 75 boats