It is the responsibility for each Captain & team members to understand & abide by the tournament rules listed below:

Angler Armory World Championship Rules:
These rules will remain in effect during the 2023 Angler Armory World Championship Tournament. Interpretation of these rules will be left exclusively to the Tournament Committee. In the event of a rule violation, the Tournament Committee may impose such sanctions as they deem appropriate, including, without limitation, disqualifications, forfeiture of prizes and prohibition from participation in subsequent Angler Armory tournaments. By competing in the World Championship all competitors agree that decisions of the Tournament Committee are final in all matters and are not subject to appeal, and are not reviewable by any court of law. The Tournament Director can make changes to the stated rules at any time. By participating in the World Championship you and your team agree to the previous statements, to sign a written legal release form, and to obey the rules stated below, or face expulsion without refund or compensation of any kind. The Angler Armory Fishing Club is a private organization that can deny an application without cause.


  • The Captain listed on application is responsible for the safety and conduct of his/her anglers on tournament days.
  • If there is a change to the original application regarding team members, captain or boat, the tournament must be notified in writing no later than 1 day prior to the tournament. The change/s must be approved by Tournament Committee.
  • Team Name cannot be changed after the Captain’s Meeting.
  • At the time of check out, only registered crew and approved auxiliary personnel ie: camera crew, observers, etc. are allowed on your boat from check out to check in.
  • In the event an auxiliary person or persons are needed or desired to be on your boat, you are required to get approval from the tournament director at least 1 day prior to checkout and provide the name/s and purpose of the additional people. An auxiliary person is defined as someone that will be on the team boat but will have no participation in fishing, gaffing or any other fishing related activities on the boat during the tournament. (example: camera person)
  • A Florida saltwater fishing license is required for each team member except from a boat which has a valid recreational vessel saltwater fishing license or any FL Resident 65 years or older, or anyone excluded by FL law. License not required when fishing with a charter captain. Go to to obtain current Florida fishing regulations.


  • Announcements regarding weather & other important tournament information will be communicated to team captains via text messages, phone calls, emails and/or posting on the World Championship Tournament website
  • Tournament Officials will operate on Channel 68 for check out, check in and any communications that needs to be directed from or to teams while they are participating in each event.


  • Entry fees to participate in the World Championship is $1000 plus tax.
  • A $500 deposit is required in order to register for the Championship. Any main entry payment balance must be paid in full no later than April 15, 2023. Calcuttas may be paid for up until the Captain’s Party on May 18, 2023
  • Angler Armory is a private club and reserves the right to refuse any application for the World Championship. All applications must be approved by the Tournament Committee in order to fish the 2022 World Championship. Payment is refundable in the event your application is denied. Angler Armory Fishing Club maintains the right to accept or deny any team application.
  • Upon approval of your application, payment becomes non-refundable and will not be refunded in the event the team does not participate in the World Championship
  • If tournament is postponed until Sunday, May 21st due to inclement weather, teams are expected to plan accordingly with their schedules. If the tournament is postponed to Sunday, May 21st no refunds will be given if a team is unable to fish that day. If the tournament is postponed to another date besides May 21, 2023 then teams will be given the option for a full refund..
  • Payment can be made online or by check. Payment must be received no later than May 1, 2023.
    Checks can be made out and mailed to:
    Angler Armory Inc
    14181 83rd Place
    Seminole, FL 33776


  • Scheduled date for the World Championship is Saturday, May 20, 2023.  The Captain’s Party will be Thursday, May 18, 2023.
  • In the event of inclement weather, the tournament will be postponed until Sunday, May 21st. Please plan accordingly. If tournament is postponed until Sunday, May 21st, no refund will be given. If the tournament is postponed to another date besides May 21, 2023 then teams will be given the option for a full refund.
  • The Captain’s Meeting is mandatory for competing teams. One person from each team must be present.


  • The only eligible species for the Championship is kingfish
  • One point per pound – the single heaviest fish weighed in will win the Overall Division.
  • If entered into the 2 Fish Aggregate Calcutta:
    A total of 2 fish may be weighed in for the tournament. The weigh master will count the heaviest of the 2 fish weighed as your Overall fish so teams do not have to determine ahead of time which is their heaviest fish.
  • If entered into the Closest to 20.23lb Calcutta:
    A total of 2 fish may be weighed in for the tournament. If a team only has one kingfish it will be counted for both Overall and Closest to 20.23lbs. The weigh master will determine which fish is Closest to 20.23lbs so teams do not have to determine ahead of time which is their heaviest fish or their Closest to 20.23lbs fish.
  • If entered into the 2 Fish Aggregate Calcutta and the Closest to 20.23lb Calcutta:
    A total of 3 fish may be weighed in for the tournament. The weigh master will count the heaviest of the 3 fish weighed as your Overall fish, the heaviest 2 fish for the 2 Fish Calcutta and which fish is Closest to 20.23lbs so teams do not have to determine ahead of time which is their heaviest fish or their Closest to 20.23lbs fish.



  • Check out will only take place at Dockside Inn in Fort Pierce. 
  • There will be a rolling check out starting at safe light (approximately 6:40-6:45am). Teams will show their boat # to a Tournament Official. The Tournament Official must acknowledge your boat # via VHF Radio Channel 68 in order for your team to be officially checked out
  • A random number of teams may be selected for a boat inspection during check out.
  • Teams may request a late check out. The team must call the tournament director (James Malz (727)647-2672) before 6am on tournament day to request a late check out. Team must show their boat # and be checked out by a tournament official before departing to fish in tournament.
  • After a team is checked out they may proceed to fishing grounds
  • Lines in the water at 7am.
  • After check out teams may not come into contact with any boat, including bait boats or they will be disqualified


  • Tournament competition limited to motorized boats only.
  • All boats must carry a Coast Guard approved flotation device for each person on their vessel plus an approved EPIRB and/or PLB plus an approved fire extinguisher and all other safety devices required by the Coast Guard. Go to for current Coast Guard regulations.
  • A team may request to use a back up boat. The change in boat must be submitted to the tournament director & approved by the committee.
  • If an approved Team Boat experiences mechanical issues on their approved boat they may request to use a back up boat up until the shot gun start. If the team boat breaks down after the shot gun start they will not be allowed to fish that event. If a break down occurs the morning of the tournament but occurs prior to the shot gun start, the team may call the Tournament Director and request a boat change and a late check out.


  • The Tournament Director will announce any alternate fishing dates if weather or another Act of God should affect fishing conditions.
  • If a tournament has to be postponed due to inclement weather, the alternative fish date will be that Sunday following. If Sunday is unfishable due to weather, then an alternate date will be selected by the Tournament Committee and forwarded to all teams as soon as possible. Please plan accordingly
  • Teams will be advised after the 4pm weather advisory on the Friday preceding the tournament if the tournament will be postponed. However, the Tournament Committee reserves the right to cancel a tournament up until check out.
  • It is up to the discretion of the participating Team Captain to determine if their craft is seaworthy for the existing conditions.
  • The Team Captain is solely responsible for the safety and conduct of their crew, both on and off the water.
  • The captain has the choice whether or not to compete in any of the events.


  • Hand held rods & reels only.
  • The tournament encourages release of all fish not intended to be weighed in at tournament.


This is an open boundary tournament however teams may not fish in Bahamian waters


  1. The use of federally managed reef fish as bait is illegal. This includes all rudderfish and snapper species regardless of size. Having a reef fish in your bait well at check out or check in will result in disqualification from tournament.
  2. Bait fishing is only allowed inside the call regs before 7am lines in the water.
  3. Teams may not receive bait from a bait boat after they are checked out.


  • The Honor System applies throughout the tournament.
  • No passing of anything between boats during the tournaments. This would result in automatic disqualification from that specific tournament event day.
  • There will be no feeding and/or stuffing of any kingfish with any bait fish, fish and/or any foreign objects (ie ice, weights, etc). This will result in immediate disqualification from all future Angler Armory events.
  • Any hooks, wire, rigs (terminal tackle) and/or any other foreign objects must be removed from kingfish eligible for competition.
  • The tournament committee reserves the right to place a tournament representative on any team’s boat during competition for the purpose of observation.
  • All fish entered into the tournaments will be inspected for all manners of cheating prior to fish being brought to the scale.
  • Fish will be sliced open after the fish has been weighed to verify there are no foreign objects or stuffing of fish.
  • Winning teams may be subjected to a polygraph test after tournament. Polygraph will take the morning after the tournament. Failure to submit to a polygraph test will result in disqualification of the entire team from the tournament, entry fees will not be returned and team will forfeit their winnings.
  • Refunds of tournament entry fees will not be given for failure of a polygraph test. All decisions of the polygraph examiner will be final.
  • If a team is found guilty of cheating by the Tournament Director and/or the tournament steering committee, they will automatically be disqualified from all future Angler Armory tournaments, contests and membership.
  • All decisions made by the weigh master & tournament director are final.
  • All participants in the World Championship must maintain a high level of professionalism at all times.
  • Anglers are expected to be role models, and set a positive example to the recreational angling public.
  • Any team who displays poor sportsmanship, violates these rules, or any Florida Fish & Wild Life Commission, state or local laws, or brings unfavorable publicity to the sport of king fishing is subject to disqualification at the tournament director’s discretion.
  • Alcohol is not allowed on stage during the weigh in. A secure table will be provided for drinks before team gets to the scales.


There will be one check in for the Championship: Dockside Inn in Fort Pierce

*Boat checking in must be the vessel listed on tournament documents for that specific tournament day
*Teams may begin checking in fish at 3pm and must be checked in with a tournament official by VHF Radio Channel 68 no later than 5:00:00pm (5:00:01pm is late and team will be disqualified)
*Please note, after checking in at Dockside Inn you can only proceed to fish drop off at Causeway Cove by boat (cannot check in fish at Causeway Cove by car)
*Teams will first roll past the Tournament Official on dock at Dockside Inn and show their boat #. They must also call in to the Tournament Official on VHF radio Channel 68 stating Boat # and Team Name. Tournament official must acknowledge your team # on the radio in order to be officially check in.
*Once checked in with Tournament Official at Dockside Inn, teams will proceed to designated dock at Causeway Cove Marina to drop off fish.
* If there is a back up of boats waiting to unload fish, a tournament official will call teams into the dock via Channel 68
*One registered member on team will unload fish and proceed to the “Armory” that will be located behind the stage. (dock carts and staff will be available to help transport fish to Armory)
*All fish must be in a zippered fish bag in order to weigh fish in (no fish will be accepted if not in zippered fish bag)
*Once at the Armory, each fish will be taken out of the fish bag to be inspected and tagged. Fish bag will then be closed and tagged.
*While in the the Armory teams must pick which fish they will be weighing for the tournament. (Total of 3 if in all the calcuttas). Any additional fish will be removed and given to fish house as donated fish.
*The team member  that accompanies fish to Armory will be given a wristband to wear. That team member with the wrist band will be the only person that will be allowed to accept the bag for weigh in.
*Once fish is checked in, team must depart dock. Teams may bring boat back to lodging and/or pull boat from water and return to weigh in by car. (Limited boat parking will be available during weigh in time)


  • All fish will be weighed in at Causeway Cove Marina
  • Weigh in will begin at 6pm.
  • Fish being weighed in the tournament will be inspected for all manners of cheating by a tournament official
  • No rotten or mutilated fish will be allowed to be weighed in
  • Tournament host will call teams one at a time to weigh in
  • When your team name is called, the entire team will proceed to the “Armory” behind the stage to pick up team’s fish bag. (We encourage all team members to be at weigh in and on stage when your fish is weighed in)
  • The team member with the wristband must be present in order for team to get their fish bag out of the Armory to be weighed in
  • Teams will then proceed to the stage to weigh in fish
  • In the event of a tie, the team that checked in first with the Tournament Check In official at Dockside Inn wins.
  • Results are unofficial until determined by tournament director.
  • All kingfish weighed in at tournament become the property of Angler Armory.


  • Protests must be submitted in writing along with a $500 cash deposit to a tournament official within 10 minutes of the last fish weighed in.
  • The cash deposit will be returned to the contestant submitting the protest if the protest is upheld.
    If there is a dispute of any kind, the decision of the Tournament Director is final.


The tournament director reserves the right to implement his discretion at any time during the tournament as it may apply to the rules or any other circumstance that should arise during the course of the tournament series.


  • Checks for the winning teams will be made out to the Captain unless otherwise stated to the Tournament Director no later than the Captain’s Meeting.
  • 1099’s for all winnings over $599 will also be made out to the person listed on the check that was written for the team’s winnings.
  • At least one person from each winning team must be present to receive check. If no one from team is at event for Awards Ceremony, they forfeit their winnings.
  • If a team loses their check, they will be charged a fee of $35 in order for a new check to be written.
  • The Lady Angler award is given to the highest winning team that has a lady angler on its team. The lady angler does not have to catch the fish but must be a registered angler on the team and must have been on board tournament day when the fish was caught.
  • Youth Angler award is given to the highest winning team that has a youth angler 15 years old or younger on its team. The youth angler does not have to catch the fish but must be a registered angler on the team and must have been on board tournament day when the fish was caught.

**Calcuttas must be paid for no later than May 1, 2023.
BIG FISH – the team with the heaviest single kingfish weighed in at the Championship wins. Team must be paid into the Big Fish Calcutta in order to win. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place heaviest fish entered into the Big Fish Calcutta wins 50/30/20 split of all monies paid into calcutta minus 10% administrative fees
HIGH ROLLER – the team with the heaviest single kingfish weighed in at the Championship wins. Team must be paid into the High Roller Calcutta in order to win. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place heaviest fish entered into the High Roller Calcutta wins 50/30/20 split of all monies paid into calcutta minus 10% administrative fees
CLOSEST TO 20.22LBS – The team that weighs in a kingfish closest to 20.22lbs at the Championship wins. Weight can be over or under 20.22lbs. Team must be paid into the Closest to 20.22lb Calcutta in order to win. This is a winner take all calcutta. All monies paid into Closest to 20.22lb Calcutta will be paid out to the 1st Place winner minus 10% administrative fees.
2 FISH AGGREGATE: the team that weighs in the combined heaviest weight of 2 kingfish at the Championship wins. Team must be paid into the 2 Fish Aggregate Calcutta in order to win. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place heaviest 2 fish aggregate entered into the Calcutta wins 50/30/20 split of all monies paid into this calcutta minus 10% administrative fees
RECORD FISH:  Team Lagerhead holds the Record Fish with a 51.44lb kingfish. If a team is entered into the Record Fish Calcutta and beats the current Record Fish (Team Lagerhead 51.44lbs), they win. If no one beats Record Fish, Team Lagerhead wins 20% of the record fish calcutta money provided they reentered Calcutta for that year. The remainder of the Record Fish entries are rolled over to the 2024 Championship Record Fish Calcutta. If Team Lagerhead does not get entered into calcutta, the money will be rolled over into the next year. If two or more teams weigh in a fish heavier than the previous year’s record fish, only the team with the heaviest kingfish that is entered into the Record Fish Calcutta wins. This is a winner take all calcutta. All monies paid into the Record Fish Calcutta are paid out to winner minus a 10% administrative fee.